Deceptive Sales and Marketing

Lifestyle Lift (r) unfairly and deceptively marketed and sold facelift surgery as a "revolutionary" procedure, causing consumer to purchase a procedure different than advertised.  Main author of successful appeal to the Court of Appeals, Division I (Link to Appellant's Brief and Reply).  Obtained significant Court of Appeals decision that breaks new ground and protects consumers who are victims of unfair or deceptive sale techniques (Link to Court of Appeals decision on Williams v. Lifestyle Lift Holdings, Inc., 175 Wn. App. 62 (Division 1, 2013)).

DISCLAIMER:  I welcome small and largesimple and complex cases.  What matters are the merits of your claim.  I have cherry picked the above sample case.  Those results are above average, and should not be used as a yardstick.  Those results were a collaborative effort, accomplished while working as an Associate Attorney at my prior law firm.  They are listed to show the quality and range of my work.  Every case is unique, every outcome is unique.